Grading Syllabus
This grading syllabus has been issued to
enable training in the following grades:
8th Kyu to 3rd Dan
Karate Ni Sentenashi
A basic and very essential part of Karate training. It means that karateka must never attack first – mentally or physically.
To understand this fully years of hard, correct training is needed.
As a Karateka grows in stature so also will grow his good manners and etiquette outwardly and more importantly, inwardly.
All karate training must be intense and with purpose. (Intent)
Correct Dojo etiquette is essential.
Seek Always Peace
To endanger the soul endangers all
But if the soul becomes endangered
then it must become the warrior.
Those who know the Tao do not need to speak of it.
Those who are ever ready to speak of it do not know it.
The seven virtues of Bushido are Justice, courage,
benevolence, politeness, truthfulness, honour and loyalty.
Training Programme
Colour of belt: Grade: Training Time req'd:
White Beginner -
Yellow 8th Kyu (Hachikyū 八級) 3 Months
Orange 7th Kyu (Nanakyū 七級) 3 Months
Green 6th Kyu (Rokkyū 六級) 3 Months
Blue 5th Kyu (Gokyū 五級) 3 Months
Purple 4th Kyu (Yonkyū 四級) 3 Months
Brown 3rd Kyu (Sankyū 三級) 6 Months
Brown 2nd Kyu (Nikyū 二級 ) 6 Months
Brown 1st Kyu (Ikkyū 一級 ) 6 Months
Black 1st Dan (Shodan 初段 ) 6 Months
Black 2nd Dan (Nidan 二段 ) 2 Years
Black 3rd Dan (Sandan 三段 ) 3 Years
Students failing an examination may apply for re-examination in three months.
Anshin-Ryu / Wado-Ryu Katas | Shotokan Katas | Translation if known: | 8th Kyu - Yellow | 7th Kyu - Orange | 6th Kyu - Green | 5th Kyu - Blue | 4th Kyu - Purple | 3rd Kyu - Brown | 2nd Kyu - Brown | 1st Kyu - Brown | 1st Dan - Black | 2nd Dan - Black | 3rd Dan - Black | |||
1 | Pinan Nidan | Heian Nidan | 平安二段 | |||||||||||||
2 | Pinan Shodan | Heian Shodan | 平安初段 | |||||||||||||
3 | Pinan Sandan | Heian Sandan | 平安三段 | |||||||||||||
4 | Pinan Yodan | Heian Yondan | 平安四段 | |||||||||||||
5 | Pinan Godan | Heian Godan | 平安五段 | |||||||||||||
6 | Ku-Shanku | Kanku Dai | 公相君 | |||||||||||||
7 | Naihanchi | Tekki Shodan | ナイハンチ - Hour Glass | |||||||||||||
8 | Rho-Hai | Vision of a white heron / Iron horse? | ||||||||||||||
9 | Chinto | Gankaku | 鎮闘 - Crane on a rock | |||||||||||||
10 | Jitte | Jitte | 十手 - Ten hands | |||||||||||||
11 | Seishan | Hangetsu | 十三手 - Half moon (13 hands) | |||||||||||||
12 | Passai | Bassai-Dai | 披塞 | |||||||||||||
13 | Wanshu | Empi | 汪楫 Flight of the Swallow | |||||||||||||
14 | Jion | Jion | 慈恩 - Temple sound | |||||||||||||
16 | Nijushiho | Nijushiho | 二十四步 - 24 Steps (Niseishi) | |||||||||||||
17 | GojuShihoSho | GojuShihoSho | 五十四歩小 - 54 Steps | |||||||||||||
18 | Unsu | Unsu | 雲手 - Cloud hands | |||||||||||||
19 | Kanku Sho | Kanku Sho | 観空小 - Viewing the sky-Small | |||||||||||||
20 | Sochin | Sochin | ||||||||||||||
21 | Wankan | Wankan | 王冠 - Kings Crown | |||||||||||||
22 | Saifa | 砕破 - To destroy and defeat | ||||||||||||||
23 | Seipai | 十八手 | ||||||||||||||
24 | Superimpai | 壱百零八 - 108 Hands | ||||||||||||||
25 | Annan | |||||||||||||||
26 | ||||||||||||||||
27 | ||||||||||||||||
28 | ||||||||||||||||
29 | Anshin-Sho | |||||||||||||||
30 | Anshin-Ni | |||||||||||||||
Key: | Introduced for grading and req'd | |||||||||||||||
Previously introduced, still req'd | ||||||||||||||||
Optional kata for the grade shown | ||||||||||||||||
Dojo Etiquette
Reishiki – Opening serimony
Ritsu rei | Standing bow to sensei | |||
Seiza | Sensei sits (formal sitting position), the class sits in seiza facing shomen and prepares for class. Head student (Sempai) calls out: | |||
Mokuso | This means 'Close your eyes and clear your mind' After about one minute the sempai student calls out: | |||
Kaimoku | This means 'open your eyes or Mokuso yame. This means 'Finish meditation.' | |||
Zarei | Next the class performs three zarei or sitting bows. The head student (Sempai) calls out the following: | |||
Shomen ni rei | This means 'Bow to the front of the dojo.' After the class finishes this bow, the Sensei will turn around and face the class and the head student will call out: | |||
Sensei ni rei | This means 'bow to the teacher.' As the glass bows to the teacher, the teacher will return the bow. As each student bows, they recite 'Onegaishimasu' which means 'Please teach me.' | |||
Otagai ni rei | This means 'Bow to each other.' Both the teacher and the students will bow to each otherat the same time. This is to acknowledge that we are all students of the art of Karate | |||
kiritsu | At this point the Sensei will indicate that the class should stand up and practice will begin. | |||
Tsuki Waza Punching
1 Jun zuki Lunge punch
2 Gyyaku zuki Reverse punch
3 Morote zuki Double fist punch
4 Furi zuki Swing punch
Uchi Waza Striking
1 Tettsui Uchi Bottom fist strike
2 Shuto Uchi Knife hand strike
3 Haito Uchi Ridge hand strike
4 Teisho Uchi Palm heel strike
5 Empi Uchi Elbow strike
Keri Waza Kicking
1 Mae geri Front kick
2 Mae geri keagi Front snap kick
3 Mawashi geri Roundhouse kick
4 Nidan geri Flying front kick
5 Hiza geri Knee kick
6 Yoko geri Side kick
7 Yoko geri keagi Side snap kick
8 Fumikomi Stamping kick
9 Sokuto Fumikomi Foot edge stamping kick
10 Ushiro geri Back kick
Techniques: (Cont)
Te Kind of Hand
1 Seiken Fore fist
2 Uraken Back fist
3 Tettsui Bottom fist
4 Ippon Ken One knuckle fist
5 Nakadak Ippon Ken Middle Finger one knuckle fist
6 Haito Ridge hand
7 Shuto Knife hand
8 Nihon Nukite Two finger spear hand
9 Ippon Nukite One finger spear hand
10 Yonhon Nukite Spear hand
11 Teisho Palm heel
12 Koko Tiger mouth hand
13 Udo Forearm
14 Empi Elbow
Ashi Kind of Foot
1 Hiza Knee
2 Sokuto Foot edge
3 Kakato Foot Heel
4 Johsokutei Ball of foot
Shishei Form
1 Heisoku Dachi Informal attention stance
2 Shiko Dachi Open leg stance
3 Kiba Dachi Straddle leg stance
4 Neko Ashi Dachi Short Cat stance
Uke Blocks
1 Jodan Uke Rising forearm block
2 Shuto Uke Knife hand block
3 Gedan barai Downward block
4 Morote Uke Augmented Forearm block
Basic Techniques
Command: Pronunciation: Position:
Yohi Yoy Ready Stance
Hidari Gamae Hid-Ar-Ee-gam-I Junzuki stance
Hidari Hanmi Gamae Hid-Ar-Ee-Hamme-gam-I Fighting stance
Mawatte Ma-watt-Ay Turn
Mawatte Jodan Uke Turn in Joadan Uke
Mawatte Gedan Barai Gaydan-bar-Eye Turn in Gedan Barai
Yame Yam-Ay Relax to ready stance
Or stop
Naore Noray Adopt attention stance
Hadjime Hajimay Start
Yasume Yasmay Dismiss
Kyukei Q.K.
Counting in Japanese:
1 ichi 8 hachi 15 ju-go
2 ni 9 kyu 16 ju-roku
3 san 10 ju 17 ju-shichi
4 yon / shi 11 ju-ichi 18 ju-hachi
5 go 12 ju-ni 19 ju-kyu
6 roku 13 ju-san 20 ni-ju
7 nana / shichi 14 ju-shi
21 ni-ju-ichi 30 san-ju 100 hyaku
22 ni-ju-ni 40 yon-ju 150 hyaku-go-ju
23 ni-ju-san 50 go-ju 200 ni-hyaku